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(Compact Disc AutoServ)

CDAS is a CD-ROM File Cataloging and Retrieval software product that provides a common interface to over 1TB (Terabyte) of CD-ROM data stored in CD-ROM jukeboxes, CD-ROM towers and magnetic caching disks or disk arrays. CDAS running on a Unix server allows transparent access for DOS, Windows, Netware, OS/2, DEC VMS, MacOS and Unix clients.

CDAS Components

The CDAS system consists of a 3-tier hybrid arrangement of CD-ROM jukeboxes, CD-ROM arrays and magnetic caching disk arrays, with a Unix server running the CDAS File Cataloging and Retrieval software. CDAS software is customer configurable and supports commercially available SCSI CD-ROM drives and CD-ROM jukeboxes. A system may be started with as little as one CD-ROM tower, and grow to multiple towers and CD-ROM jukeboxes as the need arises, without having to replace your client or system software or retrain your users.

Features and Benefits of CDAS

* High Availability * Scalability * Reliability * Compatibility * Connectivity (heterogenous networks) * ALM (Advanced Learning Mode cache) * Standard file systems * Hybrid "3-tier" configuration strategy * Support for ISO9660, RRIP, PhotoCD and High Sierra formats *

CDAS Versions Available:

Servers: CDAS-SOSFCDAS for Sun/OS 4.1 (Solaris 1.x)
CDAS-SSSFCDAS for Sun/Solaris 2.x SPARC
CDAS-SSXFCDAS for Sun/Solaris 2.x x86
Jukeboxes:KubikCDR-240M, CDR-240MA
Solid SystemsCD Select 240
NSM100, Mercury 20, Mercury 40

CDAS and CDAS Lite are available from Applied Mechatronics, or on the GSA Schedule from Solid Systems, our partner with Sun Microsystems in the Air Force Workstation (AFWS) Program.

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